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Projects dealing with additions or alterations to listed buildings can be a delicate process, Concept 20 aims to guide you through the listed building application process from inception to approval.

The amount of information we need to produce varies on a case by case basis depending on the proposals. 

The conservation officer assigned to the project will set out what additional information is required on top of what is usually submitted for a typical planning application.


Listing’ refers to a building which is included on the statutory list of ‘buildings of special architectural or historic interest’, which is sometimes referred to as The National Heritage List.


Grade I buildings 

Exceptional interest. 

2.5% of listed buildings are Grade I.


Grade II* buildings 

Particularly important buildings of more than special interest. 5.8% of listed buildings are Grade II*.


Grade II buildings 

Special interest warranting every effort to preserve them. Over 90% of all listed buildings are in this grade


Generally speaking the older a building is and the fewer the surviving examples of its kind, the more likely it is to be listed.

When a building is listed it does not act as a preservation order but it does mean that listed building consent must be applied for first in order to make any changes to that building which might affect its special interest.

For further details see This article


A listed building application is similar to a planning application with the exception that in addition to the usual plans, elevations, sections etc.. that are normally required for planning a greater level of detail is produced in the form of additional drawings showing large scale detailing indicating how the listed structure will be altered, preserved , repaired & protected.

These drawings will be then be submitted the local authority conservation officer for approval


Generally, any repairs will need to be like-for-like with the existing structure and any new structure will need to be kept in character with the historic fabric.

This often means that current building regulations standards cannot be met however in certain cases building control will accept this if no solution is possible without affecting the character of the building.


You will need to apply for listed building consent if:


  • You want to demolish a listed building


  • You want to extend a listed building in a manner which would affect its character as a building of special architectural or historic interest.


  • You wish to alter or repair part of the historic fabric of the building


It important to note that it is a criminal offence to carry out work which needs listed building consent without obtaining it beforehand.


Depending on the type of project the following is a typical example of the drawings and reports that will have to be produced by Concept 20 in order to gain listed building approval:

Design Statement

This will set out the history of the building and its historical development, the background to the proposals which form the basis of the application, the reasoning behind the proposals, how these fit into the context of the building itself, and how they help to preserve the special character of the building and to preserve the historic fabric, and why the proposed intervention is justified.


Large scale detail drawings

at 1:10, 1:5 & even 1:2 scale for specific items of work and detailing as requested by the conservation officer

This is in addition to the usual information that is submitted for a planning application which can include:

  • ​Site location plan 

  • Existing & Proposed site plan

  • Existing & proposed building elevations

  • Existing & proposed floor plans 

  • Existing & proposed roof plans

  • Details of outbuildings, garages, sheds

  • ​Building cross sections

  • External landscaping plan

  • Site cross sections

  • Street scene elevations

  • Details of cycle storage

  • Parking layout on the site

  • Details of refuse stores & collection

  • Design & access statement

  • Shadow diagrams

  • Vehicular access into the site

  • Coloured 2D drawings 

  • 3D visualizations

  • Drainage layout plan & details

  • Flood risk assessment report

  • Details of protection to trees

  • Details for protection of wildlife 

Additional information that may be required by other consultants to obtain listed building approval includes:

Land Survey - By Land Surveyor

For example If a sloping site is present it is likely you will need a land survey.


Tree schedule / report - By Tree Surveyor

If Trees have a TPO on them you will likely need a Tree Report


Archaeological report - By Archaeologist

Archaelogical senstive sites will require a report


Biodiversity report - By Ecology Specialist

For eaxmple where the site contains protected animal species


Drainage survey - By Drainage Surveyor

Where drainage provision is unknown a CCTV survey will be carried out

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